My husband and I are involved with a bible study group that has been meeting for several years. We have recently started a study called "Not A Fan". It was written by a Pastor in Louisville KY. The premise of the study is to see if you are a "fan" of Jesus (much like we are "fans" of our favorite sporting teams, etc) or are we truly committed to follow Jesus. I am truly enjoying this study; although, I have to admit my toes have been stepped on a couple of times. I guess that is the sign of a good study!!! It is causing me to think deeper about my relationship with Jesus. I am excited to see how this study will change my relationship with Christ. As I grow closer to Him, I know I will grow closer to my husband. I am so thankful and blessed to be involved with a bible study group that loves each other enough to hold us accountable for our actions..not just with each other, our family, friends, etc...but with Christ.
I have heard this is an awesome study. My boys did this with their youth group last summer. They kept telling my husband and I how awesome it was and how they wanted to get the book, but we kept forgetting to buy it. Thanks for the reminder. I think maybe we should get one and do it as a family bible study. Great idea! I'm sure it is life-changing. Thanks for sharing!
At the suggestion of our front desk receptionist, I read Not a Fan last summer. It is very thought-provoking and eye-opening! As I often do because of my varied schedule, I read it alone and wrote in my Blog. I need to read it again, preferably with someone else, and discuss it for a more profound effect. Your idea of studying e book as a family is a great one.
ReplyDeleteI got the book... you persuaded me. LOL. Family Bible study to come... Thanks! :)
Julie...if you get the opportunity to watch the DVD movie and study guide that goes along with it, it is really good also!